Can Anxiety Cause Fever

Can Anxiety Cause Fever and Chills? Here Is How and Why

Can Anxiety Cause Fever

Anxiety may occur due to a physical or mental condition. Physical conditions are, for instance, ailments such as heart problems, whereas mental conditions are the outcome of a mental illness. On the other hand, fever is an indication that your body is not functioning well and causes the temperature to rise.

Severe anxiety can cause a fever to develop, and chills are a symptom of anxiety. Anxiety can make you experience hot and cold flashes like a psychogenic fever without raising your core body temperature.

Other anxiety symptoms include:

  • Restlessness
  • Fatigue
  • Increased heart rate
  • Irritability 

People with chronic stress may suffer from anxiety attacks and depression. If not treated, it may lead to a severe mental disorder that could lead to long-term complications. 

The above-mentioned symptoms of anxiety can be treated- Click below to schedule your appointment with a mental health professional.

Psychogenic or emotional fever is a psychosomatic fever related to stress. It is diagnosed if the body temperature rises above 98.6℉. Psychogenic fever is related to a psychological disorder.

Some of its symptoms are:

Psychogenic Fever in Adults 

Chronic high-stress levels make adults more prone to developing a psychogenic fever [1*] . A survey conducted in Japan shows that psychogenic fever is common in both genders and does not have an age limit. Infants as young as 2 years to adults aged above 56 years are prone to contract it. 

  • Psychogenic Fever or Covid?

Sometimes, it can be challenging to differentiate between Covid symptoms and psychogenic fever.

Since the outbreak, people have been more afraid as it is hard to differentiate the symptoms. People are advised not to be ignorant and assume any symptoms. Instead, they need to seek assistance immediately from a health care provider.

Anxiety symptoms

Anxiety and Fever- Like Signs: What Are They?

  • Psychogenic Fever Treatment

According to clinical case reports, psychogenic fever is alleviated by psychotropic drugs that contain anxiolytic and sedative properties or naturally resolve patients’ difficulties through psychotherapy.

Anxiety and Fever

Anxiety and fever have a complicated relationship, as you will find that both share related symptoms.

But the question is can anxiety cause fever?

Anxiety does not cause fever, but most people misinterpret the two. Yes, your body temperature tends to rise in anxiety, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you have a fever. 

  • Can Anxiety Cause Fever-Like Symptoms?

Fever and anxiety can manifest in similar ways. So yes, anxiety can cause fever-like symptoms.

  • Can Anxiety Cause Fever and Diarrhea?

Yes. The body is a network of systems working together. If one malfunctions, it affects the others to operate abnormally. 

  • Can Anxiety Cause Fever and Chills?

Chills are symptoms of anxiety. Most people experience chills before an anxiety attack strikes. Though not entirely clear, analysts relate chills as a result of anxiety.

  • Can Anxiety Cause Fever and Vomiting?

Vomiting is not common, but nausea is a common symptom of anxiety. When you get nervous, there’s a weird feeling in the stomach that makes you feel like you want to vomit. If the anxiety is severe, you may end up vomiting.

  • Can Anxiety Cause Fever and Headaches?

Even doctors don’t have a clear answer to that. You may experience headaches due to anxiety, or a headache may cause you to suffer an anxiety disorder. Headaches are commonly associated with a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

Generalized anxiety disorder signs are completely treatable- Click below to schedule your appointment.

GAD is a common condition in which you are regularly worried, and you are unable to control your anxiety. When doctors are diagnosing GAD, headache is a significant symptom they consider.

What Should You Do if You Feel You Have a Fever?

Having a fever feels uncomfortable; follow these steps if you feel you have a fever.

  • Take Your Body Temperature

Average body temperature ranges between 98.60F to 1000F. If it goes beyond that, you are at risk of high-grade fever. 

  • Avoid Being Dehydrated

When having a fever, ensure you always stay hydrated. Fever causes dehydration due to too much sweating. Recommended drinks are water, chicken broth, and tea.

Can Anxiety Cause Fever ? Treatment

Fever Treatment

  • Keep Yourself Cool

Since the temperature in your body is high, look for a cool place to ease the heat. Wear light clothing or take a cold shower. However, you still need to contact the doctors. There may be an underlying condition behind the fever. 

  • Take Rest

When fever controls your body, the body functions twice as hard trying to fight the infection. Get some rest as it will help in boosting immunity.

  • Seek Medical Assistance

For an adult, it is okay to take a pill and wait for the fever to go down. However, you still have to go to a doctor if your condition worsens. 

How to Tell if Anxiety Is Causing a Fever?

Anxiety is a feeling that, in severe cases, makes you feel feverish. While there is no clear indicator that anxiety can cause fever, you should visit the doctor so they will be able to identify the cause. 

Click the button below to get the underlying causes of anxiety treated.

Bottom Line

Anxiety is not a major cause of fever; however, it may cause severe damage to your body if prolonged. When you often experience anxiety attacks, consult a doctor for assistance.

At EZCare Clinic, we have mental health experts to provide the best care needed. We also have anxiety prescriptions online to help you deal with anxiety disorder step by step.

You can contact us or book an appointment through [email protected] or (415) 966-0848. 


1 sources
  1. Psychogenic fever: how psychological stress affects body temperature in the clinical population. (2015)
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