Depression is one of the most discussed mental illnesses in present times. However, most people struggle to distinguish depression from laziness because they are closely interrelated.
Laziness is often a symptom of something more significant, like depression– Click the button below to get such a significant mental disorder treated.
It is worth noting that there is a significant difference between being sad (depression) and a state of lassitude or low energy.
That said, diagnosing laziness or depression is a complicated process because the latter is often accompanied by:
- Low self-esteem
- Lack of motivation
- Poor concentration
While these symptoms depict laziness, remember that they are also familiar with depression and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
This observation undeniably brings more confusion to the topic and makes it nearly impossible to pinpoint differences between depression and laziness. Altogether, how do you know if you are depressed or lazy?
The interesting facts below shed more light on these two conditions.
How Do You Know if You Have Laziness or Depression?
A lazy person may feel less enthusiastic about doing specific tasks than someone else. Still, how can I tell if I’m depressed or lazy? In psychology, there are several types of behavioral disorders that fall under the umbrella of laziness.
These include:
1. Apathy
This revolves around diminished enthusiasm for life.
In such a situation, you may notice a sudden lack of enthusiasm, concern, or interest in things that previously gave individual happiness and purpose.
2. Psychomotor Retardation
Patients affected with psychomotor retardation often depict reduced physical movements and mental activity. As a result, the condition causes visible slowness on emotional and physical reactions like speech.
Signs of Depression
3. Inertia
Inertia is a tendency to remain in a single situation without making attempts of improving it. This often leads to a static frustrating life which can be transformed by adopting change and positivity.
On the other hand, depression refers to a deep state of sadness or feelings of worthlessness that lasts for weeks or longer.
Common signs of depression include:
- Loss of interest in everyday activities
- Difficulty concentrating
- Change in sleep pattern
- Weight gain or loss
- Increased fatigue
- Recurrent thoughts of death
Is Laziness a Mental Disorder?
Feeling lazy is not a crime. Yet, it should not be mistaken for severe mental conditions. There is a common misconception that individuals battling depression or laziness have a personality disorder.
Generally, a personality disorder involves obsession over something or poor impulse control.
An individual obsessed with laziness tends to procrastinate or avoid doing whatever they are supposed to do at the right time. In addition, you may find them giving excuses or finding new ways to get out of a task.
This trait means that the affected individuals have poor impulse control and cannot do what is necessary because it would require too much work.
In our opinion, lazy people tend to be more of a nuisance than anything else. Although they may not hurt anyone, the annoying behavior can get on people’s nerves.
Without any doubt, it can also be frustrating living or working with individuals who never do their part in paying bills or accomplishing household tasks.
Many people who suffer from clinical depression will initially feel like they’re just being lazy- Click the button below to get an expert opinion on this.
Why Do I Feel So Lazy All the Time?
There are numerous reasons why you might struggle with laziness. Most of them are nature-made to conserve energy for our bodies to survive longer.
For instance, when you feel tired and decide to take a nap, that’s your body telling you that it doesn’t want to use up all its resources at once.
Some individuals get genetically predisposed to laziness from their formation stage. When children get exposed to lazy individuals and those miserly about work ethics, it can extensively affect how they handle issues in the future.
That said, can depression make you lazy? Although depression patients lack energy and motivation, individuals should not always blame the situation on laziness because medication plays a role too.
For example, drugs such as beta-blockers cause immense fatigue and mood swings. Moreover, some medical conditions like sleep disorders cause drowsiness making it hard to focus and concentrate.
Before blaming your state on laziness or depression, you might consider educating yourself and others about inactivity and physical signs of depression.
More importantly, do you have a clue on what hidden depression can look like? In other terms, this is a condition where affected individuals seem contented and productive.
However, inwardly, they conceal signs of depression from the public eye, which can be disastrous to their health.
Struggling With Laziness
Other effective strategies to help you deter away from laziness include:
- Setting goals
- Rewarding yourself for a job well done
- Embracing positivity
You could also strive to hang around people with similar interests to fight off physical signs of depression and laziness episodes.
How Do You Know if You Are Depressed or Lazy?
It is not always easy to tell laziness or depression apart. If activities that previously made you happy suddenly feel worthless, you are probably depressed.
Likewise, laziness may cause one not to bother with work or accomplish a regular, daily routine.
To an outsider, someone with depression can appear lazy- Click below to book your appointment with an expert and know if you are really suffering from depression.
Usually, experts mention that you can define differences between depression and laziness by checking on:
- Sleeping habits
- Energy levels
- Appetite during the day
Either way, it is essential to discuss your symptoms with qualified medical personnel for the best way forward. Contact our competent mental health experts to get the most suitable depression treatment.
Click below to schedule your appointment today!