8.1% of people age 18 and above in the United States are struggling with anxiety management; this means 40 million Americans suffer from this mental disorder, alarming, right? Well, it should be, because this could be a friend, family member, loved one, or even yourself. In order to fully understand this issue, one has to ask the question, what exactly is anxiety? It is brought about by stress or worrying that causes panic or fear. Although anxiety is a normal human emotion, it becomes a disorder when it persists for extended periods of time.
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1. Types of Anxiety Disorders
There are various forms of anxiety disorders like; social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, anxiety disorder triggered by phobias (specific phobia), substance-induced anxiety disorder, amongst others.
2. Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders
Symptoms that indicate someone might be suffering from anxiety disorders include restlessness, hyperventilation, insomnia (in some cases), tiredness, edginess or nervousness, lack of concentration (the person finds themselves constantly distracted), muscular tightness, excessive sweating, depression, and problems with digestion.
People having issues with anxiety are likely to struggle with depression and substance abuse in order to take off the edge or mellow out.
3. Causes of Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety disorder is caused by various things. Some could be environmental factors, medical conditions, or even genetics. More causes include;
- Heart conditions
- Stress from work/ school
- Drug abuse and alcoholism
- PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Causes of Anxiety
(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) [1*] - Financial problems
- Emotional distress
Needless to say, anxiety is a feeling that shouldn’t be left to fester; if a person has issues with anxiety, they should seek freedom from this condition. There are medications that help people struggling with anxiety management. Some hospitals/health caregivers provide in-office dispensing of these drugs.
4. Anxiety Management
Here are some effective anxiety management techniques.
1. Take a Break:
This is a very important tip to remember, give yourself a break! Most people try to fix things beyond their control. When things go wrong, they blame themselves, causing more anxiety. Try to find a balance between being responsible and accepting that we are all humans and the attainment of perfection is maybe a gift only possessed by the divine. Always remember to give your best, and whatever you can’t change, find ways to make your peace with it. Learn to take a break from everything, especially when stress is piling up. Taking time to clear your head will help you arrive at a solution quicker.
Take a vacation from work. In our modern world where people are pushed intensely to deliver results at work, make good grades in school et cetera. So whenever you get to leave off work or a break, take a vacation. Travel somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit or take on that adventure you’ve always wanted to try. Doing this could make you see things differently and help you ‘unwind.’
Do you need Anxiety Disorder Treatment? Click below.
2. Practice a Healthier Lifestyle
A healthier lifestyle promotes healthy living, devoid of anxiety. Most times, we don’t eat healthy enough; empty calories or junk food impact negatively on us. For persons trying to
You can begin today by making healthier choices like quitting unhealthy habits, eating healthy, and exercising. It has been scientifically proven that exercising helps with stress and anxiety management.
3. Finding your Centre
There are various natural therapies out there that are very effective with handling anxiety, and though it could also be considered as being under practicing a healthier lifestyle, finding one’s balance and inner “zen” can be considered as a tip on its own. Taking a yoga class can be very effective for people trying to kick anxiety; also, practicing meditation and breathing exercises can clear the head pretty well. You can also try a special and exotic massage therapy like an Ayurvedic massage, this massage technique can help you relax your muscle and soothe your joints, and it can also help you clear your mind.
Most times, it is discovered that the root of the anxiety comes from a deep inner fear which can be addressed by finding inner peace.
Strategies for Managing Anxiety
4. Talk to Someone:
Whether it involves talking to a professional, or a trusted friend, sharing your burdens or telling someone about your constant feeling of anxiety could help you not only unburden your mind, but it could also help you get a professional or fresh perspective. There is a prescription medication to help you with anxiety management, but this will involve you seeing a physician or psychologist to get the right prescriptions. Some of these specialists provide in-office dispensing; this will make getting your medication less stressful.
5. Cultivate Positive Thinking
Positive thinking is a mental state of aligning with the positive regarding the past, present, and future.
Think about it as a way of holding on to hope that things will improve for the better. Positive thinking is best cultivated in spite of existing facts or the present circumstances. What this does is mentally placing an individual in the position to make better choices that may lead to better living.
Apart from these factors, our mental health professionals would give more tips to treat anxiety– Click below.
Key Takeaways
Positive thinking and the factors mentioned above work especially for anxiety because anxiety spins from the worry about the future. Keeping a brave front and a positive attitude about the future helps reduce anxiety to a great extent.
Book an appointment with EZCare Clinic today and let our mental health professionals treat your anxiety completely and effectively.