It can be hard to know if you suffer from anxiety. So many things in our lives can prevent us from being properly diagnosed, whether it’s the belief that we’re fine, being used to the symptoms associated, or being hesitant to seek any sort of help. It can be overwhelming living with anxiety, but assistance from others who know how to treat it can be a great help. Having anxiety can be a strange and uncomfortable thing, but knowing the signs and symptoms of anxiety can help you better understand what you have and how to treat it.
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1. What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety?
There are a variety of different anxiety symptoms. Due to possible overlap and similarities among traits, it is not unlikely for someone to have more than a few of these at a time.
The common symptoms of anxiety are:
1. Restlessness
While common in children and teens who have anxiety, adults can also suffer from restlessness. It’s not a definitive sign of anxiety, but it does count as a common symptom. If you find yourself being restless, it means you do not want to be still much of the time; this can include having feelings of needing to be in constant movement.
2. Irrational Fear
If you find yourself stressed out because of anxiety, it’s possible that you can develop an irrational fear or that the irrational fear is part of what makes you stressed. What makes irrational fear different from, say, traditional fear, is that you can find yourself in fear of things that, usually, do not cause the same level of concern in others. While these fears can be phobia- specific, they can also be more general. Some fears might be associated with other symptoms, such as the fear of one’s next panic attack or that someone is out to get them.
3. Fatigue/Tiredness
Being tired may not be as strongly associated with anxiety as other symptoms, but it definitely counts as one. Someone with anxiety can suffer from fatigue regularly; it can be the result of another symptom, as well. Fatigue alone cannot classify someone as having anxiety, and it is doubtful that this fatigue alone would have someone claim they have anxiety.
General Anxiety Symptoms
4. Insomnia
It should be no surprise that having trouble sleeping is a well-known symptom related to anxiety. Being restless and fearful all the time can keep you up, and you might find yourself developing insomnia. This can get in the way of your daily activities as well, which can cause your work or relationships to suffer. If you had insomnia as a child, your risk for anxiety could be higher.
5. Worry
Being worried is nothing new and is a very normal part of our lives. That said, if you have anxiety, you might find yourself worrying more extremely than most. Things that you could ignore or would not usually bother you are now causing you to be overly concerned. Excessive worry is a significant sign of anxiety, so consult a medical professional if you feel it is interfering with your daily life.
6. Lack of Concentration
You can have trouble concentrating on things if your mind is all over the place and your body is acting stressed or fidgety. Combined with other possible symptoms, one’s concentration will suffer and result in disruption of their daily life. This lack of concentration can also result in other symptoms, as well, such as agitation and restlessness.
7. Panic Attacks
Sometimes known as anxiety attacks, this is when your heart starts to race, and your palms start to sweat in an irregular matter. Your body goes into a fight-or-flight state, even if there’s no actual danger present; like having irrational fear, much of the cause for a panic attack is mental. While the length of a panic attack can last for several minutes, it ultimately varies.
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8. Agitation
If you have a combination of concern, attacks, fatigue, and restlessness, you are likely to become agitated. This means you can get easily frustrated, overwhelmed, and uneasy, all of which can be the result of anxiety.
9. Paranoia
Anxiety can also lead to you being paranoid, which can lead to
10. Sickness
All of the previously mentioned signs and symptoms of anxiety can also lead to one feeling physically ill. This can mean you are having a headache or an ill stomach or just feeling generally low on energy.
2. What Are the Different Types of Anxiety?
Along with the signs associated with anxiety, there also exist different types of anxiety disorders. Your unique circumstances and situations will determine the disorder type you have; some of these are more common than others.
1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
The most common of anxiety disorders, this is what people tend to refer to when they talk about having anxiety. Having a generalized anxiety disorder means having the most common signs, such as paranoia, frustration, worry, and fear.
Foods for Anxiety
2. Panic Disorder
This is when panic/anxiety attacks are your prime source of anxiety; physical symptoms include increased heartbeat, intense sweating, trembling, and shortness of breath. Having a panic disorder means being in fear of the next attack and avoiding places and events that could induce an attack. All of this can make the person more resistant to engagement and may even prevent them from seeking proper help.
3. Agoraphobia
One of the most common anxiety disorders and phobias, agoraphobia, is also well-known as a social anxiety disorder. Agoraphobia is when crowds and public spaces cause anxiety, and it’s something you might try to avoid at all costs. This can include a party full of people or public transportation, where there is a lot of foot traffic. There’s also the fear of embarrassment and entrapment that can contribute to the phobia.
4. Phobia Specific
This is when a very specific thing causes your anxiety. While agoraphobia relates to social environments, some phobias are even more specific than that, such as a fear of snakes, spiders, flying, and of course, clowns. Unsurprisingly, an anxiety attack can occur from encountering something one has a phobia for.
5. Separation Anxiety Disorder
The fear of losing someone close to you, not wanting to be apart from someone, and extreme concern for what may happen to someone if you are not with them are all related to separation anxiety disorder. While more common in young children, adults are not immune to having this specific disorder.
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Where Can I Get Treatment for Anxiety Disorder?
If you suffer from any of the mentioned signs or symptoms for over six months, you should get in touch with a medical professional. EzCare Clinic will be able to help you find the best recovery options suited to your unique needs with the assistance of our certified and licensed physicians. Rid yourself of anxiety and make your appointment today!