Let’s face it; nobody wishes to be overweight, considering the discomforting problems it can call forth. Think of health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure or psychological tortures like decreased self-esteem, depression, and social isolation. You wouldn’t wish for that, would you?
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A Reliable Alternative: Phentermine
The good news is, there are several ways to cut the extra pounds, including lifestyle changes like exercising and a change of diet. But here’s the rub; these tactics usually need par-level commitment and may not work for everyone – not without additional help. If you’ve tried losing weight through lifestyle change and haven’t been successful, you may want to consider reliable alternatives like Phentermine.
Are you curious? Keep scrolling to learn what Phentermine for weight loss is, who it’s suitable for, how to use it, and whether it brings forth any side effects.
1. What is Phentermine?
Phentermine is a medication used to treat obesity and overweight and works well when incorporated with exercise and diet. The FDA-approved appetite suppressing supplement has existed since 1959 as a legal and risk-free drug for doctors to prescribe to their overweight patients.
Phentermine focuses on the central nervous system, sparking the hypothalamus to produce neurotransmitters like noradrenaline, serotonin, and adrenaline. These are natural suppressants and stimulants that usually aid in accelerated weight loss.
The supplement bars the hunger signals (from reaching the brain) that your body produces. That way, it helps patients feel less hungry, preventing them from eating junk food that causes weight gain in the first place.
Facts about Phentermine
2. Who is Phentermine Weight Loss Supplement Suitable For?
If you’ve tried other means of controlling your weight without success, Phentermine could be your much-needed breakthrough. More so, if you’re struggling with obesity-related conditions like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or high cholesterol, then you should consider this treatment and revert to your unhealthy lifestyle once and for good.
On the flip side, Phentermine isn’t suitable for specific individuals. The supplement isn’t for you if you’re:
- Pregnant or nursing a baby
- Have a history of heart disease
- Suffering from glaucoma
- Struggling with an overactive thyroid
- Have a history of substance abuse
- Have pulmonary hypertension
Important Note: Even if you’ve recovered fully from any of the conditions above, it’s critical to see a physician for further assessment and a go-ahead on whether to resume or start using this weight loss supplement. Before prescribing Phentermine, a qualified physician will go through your health history to affirm that you’re not at any risk category.
3. How Do I Take Phentermine?
Phentermine isn’t your typical OTC drug that you can purchase and take without proper prescription or supervision. Due to the supplement’s addictive nature and potential side effects (in case of misuse), it’s paramount for only a qualified physician to prescribe and supervise the supplement’s usage.
Remember, this is not a lasting weight loss solution. It only serves the purpose of kick-starting your journey and keeping you in the mood for exercising and a healthy diet. As such, you should only take it for a few days or weeks, not forever.
All in all, the right dosage of Phentermine boils down to your qualified physician who makes the judgment after reviewing your health status and history. The doctor will also direct you appropriately on discontinuing using Phentermine for weight loss to prevent the withdrawal symptoms that usually arise following an abrupt stoppage.
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As you may have guessed by now, Phentermine alone won’t cause optimal weight loss. In addition to the supplement, you need to implement other best practices like reducing calorie consumption, exercising regularly, drinking lots of water, avoiding processed foods, and other lifestyle adjustments.
4. Are There Any Side Effects in Using Phentermine?
Phentermine can cause negligible side effects to some individuals, thanks to the fact that it contains Amphetamine-like properties. Common symptoms may include:
- Mouth dryness
- Upset stomach
- Disruption in libido
- Diarrhea
- Insomnia
- Dizziness
- Headache
- Restlessness or hyperactivity
- Constipation
These symptoms are mild and usually last a few days, but they may persist in rear-case scenarios. If that’s the case, we recommend that the patient discontinue using the supplement and promptly seek medical attention. Such severe effects usually signal allergic reactions and may include:
- Throat or face swelling
- Abnormal heartbeat
- Breathing difficulties
- Chest tightness
- Extreme mood swings
- Abnormally high blood pressure
Common Side Effects of Using Phentermine
Conclusion: Where Can I Get Phentermine in San Francisco?
As we alluded earlier, Phentermine for weight loss isn’t a standard treatment that you can get anywhere. When looking for this specialized treatment in San Francisco, aim for a qualified physician with extensive experience in treating overweight patients. You want to entrust your treatment to a clinic with a medical weight loss department filled with qualified personnel, and is versatile enough to accommodate your schedule.
Book an appointment for quick and healthy weight loss!
Here at EzCare clinic, we take pride in helping our patients across San Francisco and beyond find relief by offering high-quality, high-value care without bias.
Book an appointment with our qualified doctors today and begin your weight loss journey towards weight loss using Phentermine treatment.