sleep meditation

What Are the 4 Benefits of Sleep Meditation?

sleep meditation

If you have trouble falling asleep at night, you’re not alone. According to the American Sleep Association, around 30% of adults experience insomnia symptoms. For most people, this insomnia is always related to anxiety and stress, which affects their ability to get quality sleep.

The good news is that introducing sleep meditations to your night routine can improve your sleep quality, making for a happier, more productive, and healthier you. Meditation acts as a relaxation technique that quiets the body and mind while enhancing inner peace. When done before bedtime, meditation promotes calmness hence reducing sleep troubles.

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In this article, we discuss the benefits of sleep meditation.

What Is Meditation for Sleep?

In simple terms, sleep meditation is a practice that helps you relax your body before bed. Like other kinds of meditation, this practice involves focusing on the sensations within your body rather than your thoughts.

The goal of sleep meditation is to help you let go of the day’s events and invoke your body’s natural sleep aid. This is very helpful in calming your nervous system, quieting your mind, and preparing your body for a restful night. You can do sleep meditation alone or with the help of audio which gives you the steps to follow as guided meditation.

What Is the Best Meditation for Sleep?

There is no one size fits all kind of medication for sleep. You have to try a few and then decide to go with the most comfortable one for you. The different methods of sleep meditation that you can incorporate into your night routine include:

Guided Meditation

Guided meditation involves listening to an audio recording, video, or podcast leading you through the meditation steps. Guided meditation is advisable if you frequently struggle to keep your mind focused on relaxing. However, listening to another person may be disruptive if you like silent meditation.

What is meditation for sleep?

Mindfulness & Body Scan Meditation

This form of meditation involves focusing on the present state of your body and mind. To practice, close your eyes and breathe slowly. Then, focus on every part of your body from head to toe and think about how each part feels. The aim is not to get caught up in a specific sensation or thought but to acknowledge its presence and let yourself move past it.

Concentration Meditation

Concentration meditation is advisable if you struggle with mind wandering as it helps you focus on a specific topic. With this method, you start by choosing a subject to focus on, visual, mental, or physical. For example, you can choose to focus on a lighting candle or the idea of joy. The idea is to focus on what you see and relax your mind.

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How to Meditate?

Sleep meditation is an effortless practice that doesn’t require special equipment- you only need a few minutes. You can carry it out anywhere at any time; you can even carry out a meditation for quality sleep – during the day. However, a specific meditation routine is crucial as it helps you enjoy the process.

Below are basic sleep meditation steps:

  • Set up the right environment. For example, find a quiet place and lie down
  • Choose a meditation method
  • Breathe slowly while your eyes are closed.  Exhale and Inhale deeply. Focus on your breathing.
  • If a thought comes up, let it go and focus on your breathing.

The Benefits of Sleep Meditation

Below are some of the benefits associated with sleep meditation:

Helps Decrease Anxiety and Worrying

Sleep meditation helps create a peaceful and restful inner condition, making it easy to wind down and sleep. Regardless of the kind of meditation you choose, sleep meditation will calm your nervous system and soothe you, which will help decrease various anxiety symptoms that bring about insomnia.

Helps Lower Pain and Discomfort

Sleep meditation may be a perfect addition to your night routine if you are dealing with ongoing pain. It helps reduce pain, inflammation, and muscle tension, making it easy for you to relax and sleep.

How to meditate?

Boosts Productivity

Lack or insufficient sleep leads to decreased memory retention, daytime drowsiness, impaired attention, fatigue, and impaired work. All these affect your efficiency and performance during the day and cause unproductivity. On the other hand, sleep meditation leads to quality and quantity sleep, making you more productive and active during the day.

Prevents Chronic Illness

From research [1*] , meditation can help slow or even halt the progression of chronic diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes, and cancer. This is through reducing stress levels which is the genesis of most chronic diseases.


Sleep Meditation does not cure underlying conditions that affect the quality and quantity of your sleep, such as depression. Also, it shouldn’t replace good sleep hygiene, such as avoiding caffeine before bed and having a regular sleep schedule. However, it is a powerful tool that you can use if you struggle with poor sleep and insomnia. Reach out to the health professionals at EZCare clinic for an optimal treatment for your symptoms.



+1 sources
  1. Meditation's impact on chronic illness. (2003)
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