Weight Loss

A Non-Stimulant or Appetite Suppressant for Weight Loss?

Weight Loss

When you are trying to lose weight, it seems like everywhere you look someone is advertising the latest, greatest fat-reducing discovery. But how do we know which ones are effective? Which ones are safe? Taking any medication for weight loss can be tricky or even dangerous if we don’t educate ourselves about how they will work in the body.

While many medications that were once prescription-only now have an over-the-counter (OTC) version, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are right for everyone. Just like there is no best stimulant drug, the same applies to the fact there is no one best non-stimulant appetite suppressant prescription.

Even OTC brands can be dangerous if misused. To help protect yourself, you should always seek the advice of a physician before trying any diet or weight loss plan.

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What Are Weight Loss Drugs?

Prescription weight loss pills (diet pills) are typically prescribed for individuals who need additional help to shed unwanted pounds. The medications approved by the FDA [1*] for obesity are intended for patients with a BMI of 30 or above or of 27 or above with weight-related risks, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol.

Currently, half the US population is considered overweight with at least 30% of those individuals diagnosed as obese. With such a staggering number, there’s no wonder why diet pills are one of the fastest-growing markets in America.

Although there are several types of weight loss pills, two of the most commonly used are anorexiants and non-stimulants. Anorexiants have been around since the 1950s with the FDA approval of phentermine.

Diet pills of this kind work by stimulating the hypothalamus gland and affecting certain neurotransmitters to decrease the appetite. This manipulation tricks the body into thinking it is not hungry, thereby reducing hunger pangs. Some of the most popular anorexiants include Belviq, Contrave, and Phentride [2*] .

non stimulant appetite suppressant prescription

While anorexiants are often avoided due to the dangers associated with stimulants, non-stimulant medications have come to the forefront of weight loss. Like stimulant weight loss medications, non-stimulant appetite suppressants can help individuals lose weight.

Non-stimulant drugs inhibit the body’s ability to absorb fats from foods as we consume them.
These medications can help patients thin down; however, without changes in the way of consuming food or adhering to a routine exercise plan, any lost weight is often gained once a person is taken off the medication. One of the most popular non-stimulant appetite suppressant prescriptions is Xenical [3*] .

Weight loss pills like Phentermine are common — click the button below to get a consultation on them.

How to Keep the Weight Off?

As any physician will tell you, the key to a healthy, slimmer body is lifestyle changes. While most will agree that it is hard to change our habits and begin exercising when we are burdened with extra weight, it is a necessary addition to any diet.

Diet pills are not something that should be taken for long periods of time. In fact, most doctors will limit their use to no more than 12 weeks, depending on which medication has been prescribed.

Prescription diet pills are intended to jump-start weight loss. Long-term use, especially non-stimulant appetite suppressant prescription varieties, can be habit-forming if not used correctly. Addiction to these medications can cause other health conditions such as liver or heart disease and even death.

Where to Seek Treatment?

If you are overweight or obese and would like to seek professional help, contact EZCare clinic today. Our experienced staff of medical professionals can help you design an effective weight-loss plan.

Practitioners will conduct a physical assessment and determine if any additional healthcare concerns should be addressed before beginning a diet.

If appropriate, a medication will be prescribed with your health specifics and goals in mind.
Therapists can also determine if a patient has a mental condition such as depression that may exacerbate the unhealthy weight gain. At EZCare clinic, we believe in comprehensive treatment, not just eliminating separate symptoms.

non stimulant appetite suppressant prescription

The caring and confidential staff are available to encourage and motivate our patients throughout every step of the process.

Weight management is not just something we should look at in individuals who are overweight; it is a lifestyle that promotes good health and a positive self-image. Don’t let excess weight define who you are, take control today, and enjoy a healthier life.

Contact us for more details.


3 sources
  1. Drugs
    Source link
  2. Phentride 8 Tablet - Uses, Side Effects, and More
    Source link
  3. Xenical - Uses, Side Effects, and More
    Source link

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