ADHD manifests itself in several ways. Its adverse effects include forgetfulness, being disorganized, low self-esteem, and addictive tendencies. In adults, these effects can result in physical, mental, financial, and career hardships. Although ADHD and anxiety are independent conditions, some of their symptoms and outcomes overlap.
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What’s the Relationship Between Anxiety and ADHD?
It’s not uncommon for ADHD patients to suffer from other mental health conditions such as anxiety attacks. If you have either disorder, your physician might have to do thorough tests to determine the exact one. That’s because they share symptoms such as restlessness and lack of focus.
Anxiety can have a huge impact on how you manage your ADHD. If you miss a deadline or feel embarrassed in public, the resulting emotions might get extreme to the point of causing anxiety. Sometimes, mere thoughts about such negative situations might be enough to trigger anxiety attacks.
Shared signs and symptoms include fidgeting, low attention spans, low morale, procrastination, and difficulty in social settings. These could lead to irritability, aggression, lying, and a complete withdrawal from society. Although anxiety and ADHD have similarities, it’s also possible to tell them apart.
The main symptoms of anxiety are worrying and fear, while that of ADHD is a lack of focus. If you suffer from anxiety, you might have perfectionist or compulsive tendencies, which are not apparent in ADHD patients.
Anxiety disorder also causes you to lose focus during specific situations, while with ADHD the lack of concentration occurs in several random circumstances. Although you might be able to differentiate the two disorders, you should visit a qualified physician for a professional diagnosis.
Symptoms of Anxiety Among ADHD Patients
What Emotions Prompt Anxiety in ADHD Patients?
If you have ADHD, the following feelings are likely to cause anxiety attacks:
1. Anger
This emotion causes dislike towards a person or thing you think is responsible for your circumstances. Most times, it concerns a past event that you believe shouldn’t have occurred. It can also arise due to the frustration that your ADHD symptoms cause.
You might find yourself getting angry for apparently no reason. However subtle they are, there are always signs that your irritability is growing. The main signs include major life changes, lack of sleep, feeling like you’re losing control, embarrassment, and self-medication. You could also feel anger because you feel hurt or betrayed.
Some of these symptoms are consistent with ADHD. One needs to manage his/her ADHD, it could lead to anxiety disorder.
2. Fear
Your mind primarily deals with perceived threats through fear. It can either result in or be triggered by anxiety. Although sometimes this emotion occurs when you’re in real danger, it could also be the result of exaggerated or imagined danger.
If you have ADHD, you might also develop a phobia of going out or engaging in social interactions. That’s because you’re afraid your fidgeting, lack of focus, and other symptoms may embarrass you. You have every right to be concerned, but giving these feelings too much weight results in anxiety, which is counterproductive to your mental health.
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3. Sadness
Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and dullness could point to depression. They could be caused by the struggle ADHD patients go through while trying to maintain their focus. Although once in a while we all experience such feelings, if they keep recurring then they could also be a sign of anxiety.
These two disorders often go hand in hand. Depression is more likely to make you anxious, while anxiety is also likely to make you feel depressed. If you suffer both, your physician can develop a plan to treat them at the same time. Other than talk therapy, they can prescribe antidepressants that tackle both anxiety and depression symptoms.
4. Surprise
Preparation is a key element of confidence and success. Being caught unawares is a sure recipe for anxiety, especially if you already have ADHD. An example is being suddenly asked to make a public presentation that you’re not prepared for. Even the most confident public speakers need time to rehearse their speech. Being thrust in the limelight without warning can make you nervous to the point of triggering anxiety.
How Emotions Contribute to Anxiety?
5. Disgust
This emotional response is an expression of revulsion to something you consider unpleasant, offensive, or distasteful. Although primarily caused by perceived or imagined taste, it can also result from smell, touch, and vision. If you come across something that you have a phobia of, these senses help your brain identify it.
Once you realize the smell, item, or sight represents a repulsive idea, the result might be anxiety. It could get worse if you have ADHD because the disorder already causes some irrational reactions.
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At EZCare Clinic, we have a thorough understanding of the interconnection between various emotions and mental disorders. Our highly qualified and fully licensed physicians also have a wealth of experience in treating these conditions. Because ADHD rarely occurs in isolation, you need a meticulous diagnosis and treatment plan. Please contact us today for more details.
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