Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a serious problem (hence its classification as a disorder).
It is a neurological condition that affects a person’s ability to manage behavior (particularly impulsiveness), focus, or pay attention, resulting in problems in work, health, finances, and human relationships.
The condition becomes more complicated due to its hidden nature.
Friends, neighbors, family members, colleagues, and bosses don’t see the challenges and as such, may find it difficult to accept the problem as neurobiological rather than an individual’s choice.
ADD patients also suffer from feelings of inadequacy, not living up to their potential as well as others’ expectations of them.
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Effects of ADD/ADHD
ADD/ADHD symptoms vary not just from patient to patient but can manifest differently based on the specific situation (social, work, school, or home).
The symptoms could also be inconsistent from day to day; one day, you feel as if you accomplished a tremendous amount of work while on others, you feel exceptionally unproductive.
ADD/ADHD patients can spend hours doing a homework assignment or writing a book report, and then forget to submit it.
On some occasions, they relegate tasks they feel are confusing, boring, or challenging to the background (even if the tasks are considered critical to work, personal finances such as doing taxes, or school) and focus exclusively on projects that seem trivial or unnecessary.
As such, ADD/ADHD patients often fail or drop out of school, constantly get fired, or have financial and legal problems that could have been easily avoided.
However, with the right treatment, environment, and lifestyle, symptoms of ADD/ADHD can be mitigated, and patients can live relatively normal lives.
A lot of talented actors, writers, business owners, athletes, artists, and inventors had ADD/ADHD but went on to become renowned in their various professions. They led exceptional lives and contributed immensely to the growth of society.
Therapeutic ADHD Treatments
Diagnosing Adult ADD/ADHD
The first step in handling ADD/ADHD begins with an accurate diagnosis of the condition; however, this is not as simple as it sounds. An ADD/ADHD diagnosis requires a medical professional (who has extensive experience with adult ADD/ADHD) to perform a detailed evaluation.
This evaluation is done using interviews, rating scales, questionnaires, and intellectual screenings, in addition to measuring distractibility and level of sustained attention.
The professional then decides if the symptoms correspond with those outlined in the
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Handling ADD/ADHD
Once you’ve been accurately diagnosed with the disorder, the next step is finding a way to handle it. In the past, experts thought that ADD/ADHD affected only children and that they grew out of it as they grew older; however, this is not the case.
This was because
ADHD Types
Methods Used in Managing ADD/ADHD
The most common way of managing ADD/ADHD is through the use of medication. These are divided into two:
Stimulants help to increase attention while reducing impulsivity and hyperactivity; however, if you experience too many side effects or have a history of addictions, your doctor may prescribe non-stimulants.
In special cases, a combination of both kinds of medications may be used.
Counseling is another approach to treating ADD/ADHD. It has been observed that CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is effective in treating cases of adult ADD/ADHD.
This type of therapy assists patients to learn new ways of behaving and interacting with the world. In particular, CBT helps to address symptoms of ADD such as shame, feelings of low self-esteem, and loss of self-confidence.
Other ways of treating ADD/ADHD include practicing stress reduction techniques, including physical exercise as part of your daily routine, and making lifestyle shifts (such as focusing on personal strengths). You could also be eligible for workplace accommodation.
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The good news is that ADD is a manageable condition and with the right professional help, you can live a remarkably productive life. If you would like to meet with a qualified physician to discuss your ADD/ADHD, please schedule an appointment or call our San Francisco clinic at (415) 966-0848. Book your appointment online.