Sexually transmitted infections and diseases are on the rise once again in San Francisco bringing sexual health to the forefront of modern medicine.
Each year the
STDs can return with risky sexual behavior- Click below to get your STD symptoms treated.
With the advancements in modern medicine and access to prophylactics, it is hard to imagine the reason behind such staggering numbers.
Unfortunately, despite the best defenses readily available, more and more people are succumbing to dangerous infections.
Most medical professionals will agree that to equip individuals to take a more active role in protecting their sexual health; education is the best means of defense.
What Is a Sexually Transmitted Infection or Disease?
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites that are passed between sexually active individuals.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are diseases that can result from STIs, especially if infections are left untreated.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the infection that causes the disease AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).
There are more than 25 different STIs that are known to cause various types of:
- Cancers
- Chronic liver disease
- Death
STD Symptoms in Women
How Do STIs and STDs Spread?
While the rates of transmission can vary, anyone who is sexually active is at risk for contracting an STI regardless of their sexual preference.
Women of all ages and ethnicities are infected each year. Although there are behaviors that can increase an individual’s risk of infection, there is only one way to be sure not to get an STI, abstinence.
Most infections are spread through direct contact with infected bodily fluids such as:
- Blood
- Vaginal fluids
- Semen during sexual activities
In addition to bodily fluids, contact with infected skin or mucous membranes can transmit these severe illnesses.
Despite common myths, all forms of sexual activity, vaginal, anal, or oral, have a risk of spreading infections.
Parasitic infections like scabies can be spread through close personal contact with an infected person or with infected clothes or bedding and even towels.
STD Prevention in Women
Unless women are going to abstain from all forms of sexual contact, the only other way to lessen your chances of contracting an STI is to practice safe sex. Prophylactics have been developed that can offer effective preventative measures.
Latex condoms and dental dams should be used every time someone engages in oral, anal, or vaginal sex. There are also effective plastic condoms for individuals who are sensitive to latex products.
Having more than one sexual partner will increase your chances of being exposed to an STI. Limiting your partners will lower your chances, especially if both you and your partner know the status of testing.
Another way to limit your risk of exposure is to avoid sexual encounters with individuals who have signs of an STI (sores, rashes, or discharge in the genital area). It is important to note that not everyone who has an infection will exhibit symptoms during the earliest stages.
Although many medical advancements have been made to treat infections once they occur, there are only two vaccinations designed to prevent them. Hepatitis B and HPV (Human papillomavirus) are STIs that can be blocked.
The symptoms of STDs can be cured if the treatment begins early enough- Click below to book your consultation.
Since the Hepatitis B vaccine was added to the required infant vaccine series, the CDC is estimated I have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. If you have not been vaccinated, talk to your healthcare provider about getting yours today.
Signs of an STI Infection in Women
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for individuals to have a sexually transmitted disease and not have any symptoms. In fact, symptoms may not appear until it is in advanced stages. Often when symptoms do appear, they are mistaken for other illnesses such as a yeast infection or even the flu. Knowing your status and that of your partner or partners will go a long way to preventing the spread of diseases.
When women are exposed to an infection, symptoms can appear as early as a few days or take several weeks to be noticed. Pain or burning during urination, unusual discharge, itching, swelling or pain around the vagina or anus, and abnormal bleeding can all be symptoms of an infection.
Individuals who engage in oral sex may also experience unusual sores in their mouths.
Although each of these symptoms can be the result of non-sexual illnesses, if you are experiencing any of these, it is essential to see a medical professional as soon as possible. If left untreated these infections can lead to more severe diseases and even death.
Unless treatment or precautions are taken, women who are infected can pass these infections on to their unborn children.
Common STD Types in Women
STD Testing San Francisco
Sexually transmitted infections cannot be diagnosed at home, only a qualified health care provider can offer appropriate testing.
There are rapid result tests available for a few STIs that can take a few minutes to get results, but many tests take a few weeks to obtain reliable results.
Because of the differences in oral, anal, and vaginal sex, it is recommended that blood, urine, and appropriate swab testing be performed to confirm or deny the presence of an infection. Visit EZCare STD Clinic in San Francisco to do STD testing and treatment today.
STD Treatment Clinic in San Francisco
If you receive a positive test result, you will be given the appropriate treatment for your infection.
While most STIs are cured with strong medications, HIV and
There are effective treatments that can manage the symptoms of these diseases and help infected individuals live a normal life, but the diseases themselves are not curable at this time.
Get your STD symptoms treated by booking a consultation with our expert- Click below.
Once an individual receives a positive result, avoiding sexual contact until treatment has concluded will help prevent the spread to other people.
For individuals who live in the San Francisco area and need to seek a medical clinic to evaluate their sexual health, EZCare Clinic located at 1884 Market Street is a responsible practice. Hours of operation are 11 am to 7 pm daily. Yes, our STD Clinic for women is open Saturdays and Sundays.
Appointments are appreciated but not necessary. Call (415)966-0848. Our highly trained medical team is dedicated to working with patients to diagnose, treat and navigate the road to recovery. Click here to schedule an STD appointment now.
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