Improve Your Sleeping Patterns and Overall Health

Sleep Anxiety



Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for Insomnia modifies underlying behaviors.


Modifies neurotransmitter activity to calm an overactive mind.


Why Should You Be Treated
For Sleep Anxiety at EZCare?
Make Us Your Choice!

An adult needs about eight hours of sleep every day. You may want to meet that requirement, but your sleeping patterns will not allow it. One of the causes of irregular sleep patterns is a sleep anxiety disorder. If you are unable to sleep, anxiety could be the cause.

You need to contact a mental health professional. That professional can be working at EZCare clinic. Here, we will use CBT-I to treat insomnia. We also use other common anxiety treatments, such as sleeping aids and antidepressants.

Stop Letting Your Mind Ruin Your Sleep!

Therapy Can Help With Insomnia

Our Service

Why Choose Us?

At EZCare Clinic we provide safe and long-lasting treatment for insomnia, nighttime anxiety and sleep disorders. We provide both psychotherapy and non-drug treatments for irregular, erratic sleep. Our treatment plans are safe, free of side-effects and individualized.


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We do match the price of local competitors as long as the competitor is a legitimate business with a website or ad showing the current lower price you would like to match (no special discounts; exceptions can be made). Patients must provide the link so that the business can be verified.

We are committed to customer satisfaction and providing excellent service. We do require prepayment in order to secure an appointment with a medical provider to better utilize available time slots for our patients needing immediate care. Our policy is to refund patients in full if we are unable to provide them with the service they need so that they can always come back to us for other healthcare services in confidence.

You may bring everything you believe may help the doctor better understand your situation.

Unfortunately, our services are not covered by insurance at the moment. However, if you have an out-of-network provider coverage, we will be happy to provide you with all the required documentation (i.e., a detailed receipt with the diagnosis procedure codes) so that you can submit it to your insurance company for reimbursement. Also please note that we keep our prices as low as possible.

Anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental health disorders in the USA, and across the globe. Constant and overwhelming fear and worry are the defining characteristics of anxiety disorder. This is unlike the normal anxiety where the fear and worry are occasional, as dictated by circumstances.  Anxiety disorder is a serious mental condition that can get in the way of living a healthy and fulfilling life. It may affect all areas of life, from personal relationships, to school work, and performance at work.

The results or findings of both self-assessments and online anxiety disorder tests can give you a good idea of whether you need to see a therapist. Mental health professionals use the criteria given by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). The manual is a publication of the American Psychiatric Association.  The mental health specialist will use psychological questionnaires, and ask questions relating to your medical history and symptoms.

Mental health professionals may also conduct a physical exam, and run blood, urine, and other tests, to rule out other medical conditions.

The National Institute of Mental Health lists 5 major types of anxiety disorders as follows:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Panic Disorder
  • Social Anxiety previously referred to as a social phobia

There are signs and symptoms specific to each type of anxiety disorder.

The standard treatment protocols for anxiety falls into two categories, that is, medication and psychotherapy.

 Psychopharmacology has been proven a safe and highly effective strategy for treating various types of anxiety disorders. Top among the medications typically used to manage and treat anxiety include antidepressants, and sedatives or tranquilizers such as benzodiazepines.

Psychotherapy, on the other hand, involves speaking to a mental health professional. Also called talk therapy, the mental health specialist will use a combination of several techniques to help with your anxiety disorder.

How long the treatment will last vary from one person to the next. You can expect best results within a reasonably short time if you follow instructions about dosage and keep up with your psychotherapy sessions. Some medications will be prescribed on a short-term basis, whereas others will be prescribed for use as part of a long-term treatment strategy for your anxiety disorder.

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