Get A Medication Renewal Today

Prescription refill

Blood pressure medication, cholesterol-lowering medication, birth control, diabetes medication, and insulin are just some examples of prescriptions that many people need on an ongoing and everyday basis. These medications can be paramount in keeping a person healthy, and because of that, getting prescriptions refilled can be an important part of helping some function during day-to-day life. However, it is likely and possible for people to forget to get their prescriptions refilled, either due to traveling, being in between visits to the doctor, or lapses in memory.

EZCare Clinic can help patients who have forgotten to get their prescriptions refilled by offering a one-time refill (up to 90 days) of eligible ongoing, everyday medications. Staying on track with a medicinal schedule is important, so take advantage of this opportunity when necessary.

One-time medications that can be prescribed include blood pressure medication, cholesterol-lowering medication, birth control, and diabetes medications and insulin.

The following prescriptions are ineligible:

  • Medication for episodic conditions such as migraines
  • Narcotics or pain medication
  •  Sample medications
  • Medications with refills remaining
  •  Medications requiring prior authorization to fill
  • Medications last used more than 60 days prior to visit
At EZCare Clinic in San Francisco, we assess your condition and establish a personalized care plan that fits your lifestyle. The doctors at EZCare Clinic in San Francisco can provide treatment to all patients.


To learn more about how we can help you, call EZCare Clinic in San Francisco or at (415) 966-0848 to schedule an appointment today for a consultation.

What to expect at your visit

  • Schedule your appointment.
  • Depending on your age, treatment EZCare Clinic may vary.
  • Sign-in at the front desk and be sure to complete the necessary paperwork.
  • Our doctors will review your medical history and talk about your allergy symptoms with you before conducting a physical examination.
  • Following testing, we will recommend a personalized treatment plan to fit your lifestyle and allergy needs.
  • Once your visit is complete, you may pick up a full summary of your condition and prescription at the front desk.



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