Depression is a severe mood disorder also known as Major Depression Disorder. Clinical Depression Symptoms are difficult to cope with that can affect day-to-day tasks and your ability to think normally. At EZCare, we take care of our clients every step of the way till their full recovery. We offer depression evaluation online as well as a medical treatment for depression. Additionally, we also provide online therapy for depression.

How is Depression Diagnosed and Treated?

Our doctors will perform an online depression screening and devise a personalized treatment plan for depression, considering your present condition. Our online doctor for depression will set your treatment goals for depression and help you in every step to achieve a quick recovery. You will feel the difference in your condition by sticking to our treatment strategies for depression.

Signs and Symptoms – What Does Depression Feel Like?

Your depression condition symptoms may look like these:

Depression Test Online

Our depressive disorder test online is designed for you to understand your condition better. It is an easy way to perform self-depression evaluation online. Take the test now.

Types of Depression

There are several types of depression:

Medications for Depression

Antidepressants are the primary medications taken for the treatment of depression as they can help improve the way our brain uses certain chemicals related to mood or stress. They are the mainstay of medical treatment for depression. Our doctors do not prescribe one medicine for all but perform diagnostic tests which ensure that you are getting the right medication specific to your condition.

An antidepressant usually takes at least 2 to 4 weeks to work. Patients can feel improvement in appetite, sleep, and mood. We strongly advise our patients not to discontinue taking the prescribed medication without consulting our doctors first. The same applies to starting medication. The process of starting and ending a course needs to be done in a controlled manner so that you do not experience withdrawal symptoms.

Some of the common antidepressants are:

There is no single best antidepressant for treatment-resistant depression. Each case is different and requires a specific antidepressant or even combination of drugs. Medications along with therapy are considered the best treatment for chronic depression.

Call  EZCare Clinic at (415) 966-0848 or schedule an appointment online to get professionally evaluated by depression doctors at our clinic.

We are licensed in multiple states and can see patients via telemedicine from Florida, California, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, North Carolina, Michigan, Arizona, Virginia, New Jersey, Missouri, Rhode Island, New Mexico, Montana, Delaware.

From November 11, 2023, to get an online prescription for controlled substances, you should have a referral letter from a primary care physician (PCP). Learn more here.

Diagnosis & Treatment for Depression

Contact Info

Frequently Asked Questions: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Living with Depression

Depression is a serious mental health illness in medicine and has a very negative affect on an individual’s life. It is marked with deep feelings of sorrow, cognition abnormalities and may even lead to suicidal behaviours.

Depression is an open-ended term used to describe how a person feels. But there are some specific symptoms of depression to look out for. These include;

  • Sorrow 
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety and restlessness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Suicidal thoughts

Depression is an umbrella term and it further divided into seven different types which are;

  • Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) 
  • Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD) 
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Postpartum Depression (PPD) 
  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) 
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) 
  • Atypical Depression

On the basis of recorded trends and a thick literature, the greatest risk of depression is for;

  • Women twice as men
  • People between the ages of 45 and 65
  • Black and Hispanic Americans
  • People with less education and less economic stability
  • People who are divorced
  • individuals with a positive family history of depression 

Depression is a chronic but treatable condition. The simple ways to help someone struggling with depression are;

  1. Be empathetic towards the concerned individual
  2. Recognize their sign and symptoms
  3. Build confidence and have a conversation about their struggles and issues
  4. Be a compassionate listener
  5. Seek professional help by a mental health expert
  6. Help motivate the individual to shift to a healthy lifestyle 


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