Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

$195 Initial Visit and $175 Follow-up

Treatment For Chronic Fatigue Symptoms

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (myalgic encephalopathy) is a severe disorder that produces symptoms such as fatigue and disinterest in physical activities. Sometimes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome may increase and directly impact participation in exercise or mentally challenging activities.

A person with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome may experience flu symptoms and may not dissipate for months. With a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome diagnosis, our clinicians will take the proper steps to help you recover from this sluggish condition. At the end of the treatment, you will know how to battle chronic fatigue. At EZCare Clinic, our doctors can help you prepare for situations that may seem unmanageable with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome affects over 1.6 million people every year in the United States. A person may not even know that they are suffering from this condition because of its subtle symptoms. Individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome may choose to stay indoors, bedridden for long periods.

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Because there is no medical reason or final diagnostic testing that will provide a definite chronic fatigue syndrome diagnosis, most doctors will determine this condition through a series of counseling sessions and physical testing. Other symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome include concentration impairment, chronic headaches, muscle and joint pain, and a sore throat.

Fortunately, measures can be taken to help treat chronic fatigue syndrome. Call EZCare Clinic to schedule a consultation with a chronic fatigue syndrome doctor to determine if you are experiencing signs of chronic fatigue and explore treatment options.

Chronic Fatigue Test Online

Taking the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome test online is perfect for gauging your symptoms. At Ezcareclinic, we have expert doctors who treat chronic fatigue syndrome.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment Options

At EZCare Clinic, we offer a CFS testing and treatment roadmap for individuals who live in CA, TX, FL, WA, AZ, NY, PA, NJ and need to find an alternative solution to treating chronic fatigue syndrome. Our Chronic fatigue syndrome treatment options involve chronic fatigue therapy and medication for chronic fatigue. Part of our chronic fatigue therapy includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help patients confront negative thoughts and ideas about chronic fatigue syndrome. The counselors at EZCare Clinic can help you manage your thinking process to avoid bouts of chronic fatigue syndrome by showing you how to think more positively.

Patients who fully enthrall themselves in the EZCare Clinic program begin to notice decreased stress levels and physical fatigue. Therapy at EZCare Clinic may be able to help you increase your confidence and encourage you to take control of your life through simple steps that involve a change of lifestyle.

Exercise therapy combined with Cognitive Behavior Therapy can be extremely effective in helping individuals who are also experiencing weight issues and muscle fatigue as a result of chronic fatigue syndrome. Therapy at EZCare Clinic can show you proper techniques for physical activities to help you rebuild muscle stamina as a way of preventing injury.

Exercise Therapy

The most effective treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome combines psychological counseling with a light exercise program.

  • Psychological Counseling – Talking with a counselor can help identify ways around mental limitations that are caused by chronic fatigue syndrome. Sharing what you are feeling is key to overcoming fatigue symptoms. Feeling more in control of your life can improve your outlook dramatically.
  • Graded Exercise – Our medical professionals can help determine what types of exercises will best fit your body type. Inactive people often begin with range-of-motion and stretching exercises for just a few minutes a day. A person’s strength and endurance will improve over time as they gradually increase exercise.

Chronic Fatigue Treatment Medication

Medications are not a cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but they can be used as a tool to relieve some of the symptoms. Over-the-counter Chronic Fatigue treatment medication such as Ibuprofen, naproxen, and acetaminophen can help relieve pain from muscle soreness and headaches, which are the two most common symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.

  • Medication for chronic fatigue – may also include prescription stimulants such as modafinil and armodafinil to increase alertness during a person’s day. Unfortunately, some people self-medicate with illegal drugs, which can have severe and dangerous consequences.
    Because chronic fatigue syndrome affects people in many different ways, your treatment will be customized to fit your specific lifestyle. Symptom relief may include:
  • Antidepressants – Treating depression can make it easier for people to deal with the problems associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. Low doses of antidepressants can help improve sleep and revive functionality.
  • Sleep Therapy – Sleep is key to good health, but too much sleep can contribute to chronic fatigue syndrome. Some people will need to reevaluate their diets since many consume high amounts of caffeine to combat fatigue.

Treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

At EZCare Clinic, our doctors know that chronic fatigue syndrome can affect both the body and mind. That’s why we customize each treatment to work with each patient’s individual needs.

Our treatment programs can give you the power to take your life back and increase your quality of showing you how to overcome symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. To get started today, call EZCare Clinic schedule an appointment today.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Yes. CFS has been classified as an organic, neurological disease with systemic effects by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 1991.

Exhaustion or fatigue is the main symptom associated with CFS. Inability to carry out physical or cognitive activity for at least 6 months raises CFS suspicion in a person.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is the WHO-approved name. Another name for it is myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) can be passed down through generations. Some people are more prone to suffer from CSF later in life due to genetic mutations inherited from their parents.

The WHO-established clinical criteria are used to make a clinical diagnosis. Despite the fact that numerous alternative proposals have been made (International Consensus Criteria, Canadian Criteria, and US Institute of Medicine Criteria), the WHO has recognised the Fukuda Criteria as diagnostic criteria (CDC, 1994). There aren’t many practical differences between the many criteria that have been proposed so far.


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