What Our Patient Say About Us

2 years and counting without a single regret, EzCare is exactly what I needed. Talk of faster attendance (within 30 minutes), ample parking space, easy access, par-level cleanliness, friendly staff, and quick and thorough doctors. If you have any urgent care need, this is the place to be!

Tammy T, San Francisco, CA

I can’t believe that my year-long pain only needed two visits to disappear. Dr. Mark gave me invaluable advice and new ideas to help me relieve the pain. What’s more, the support staff are extremely compassionate and helpful. Overall, EzCare is the place to be for high-quality and affordable urgent health care.

Jeff M, San Bruno, CA

Think of any medical need, and EzCare will sort you out. My last visit was just a check-up, but guess what? It didn’t even last 5 minutes before I was called in. Both Dr. Daniels and the staff were outstandingly professional and cordial. There’s no denying that this cuts across even for more serious issues. Plus, their location is strategic in San Francisco, and the charges are considerate too. I highly recommend 100%.

Maria G, San Jose, CA

I got my prescription from one of the doctors here about a week ago, and I must say, I am incredibly pleased with their service. The process was quick, and I didn’t have to wait that long. I was pretty nervous about my consultation, but it went quite well, and the price was extremely reasonable. The doctor was very understanding, and I didn’t have to explain much. Highly recommended!
Amy J, San Francisco, CA
Yesterday was my 2nd experience with EZCare Clinic, and it was super good, just like the last time. I have been suffering from chronic pain for as long as I remember, and nothing seemed to work for me. However, the staff at EZCare Clinic was so helpful and prescribed me an effective pain management plan. The office staff is always so attentive and ready to serve you no matter what! This is the right place for you if you are seeking budget-friendly treatment.
Tracy D, Sunnyvale, Ca

Legitimate EZCare Medical Clinic

Legitimate EZCare Medical Clinic

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EZCare Reviews

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